The Top Pedal Makers!

Brian Wampler of Wampler Pedals Josh Scott of JHS
So, I had an idea.
My idea was to get my pickups in the hands of some of the top guitar effects pedal designers so that I could get valuable feedback from them. As a new company, I needed to hear their opinions to validate what I was doing. Let's face it, all sound is subjective and though I knew that I liked what I heard, I wanted to see if anyone else whom's ears I trusted, would like them too. (Is that use of "whom's" correct?)
Anyway, I arranged to get some pickups to Joel Korte of Chase Bliss Audio, Josh Scott of JHS Pedals, Brian Wampler of Wampler Pedals, Jamie Stillman of Earthquaker Devices and Alex Guaraldi of CopperSound Pedals during Winter NAMM in Anaheim, CA last January. (I was using a cane back then, but I'm better now.) I also just realized I didn't get a picture with Jamie Stillman!

Joel Korte of Chase Bliss Becca and Alex of CopperSound
So far Jamie, Josh and Brian have installed their pickups and as you can read in the qoutes, liked them a lot. Jaime and Josh each did an Instagram post about them, while Brain did a video that he has poised and ready for launch I SAID "LUNCH" NOT LAUNCH! Sorry, that was an obscure reference to The Far Out Space Nuts from 1970's Saturday morning tv.
Joel and Alex's installs are still pending with several projects ahead of mine and I will update you when they happen.
I didn't get any pickups to Robert Keeley as I couldn't connect with him before the show. But I got to meet him!

Mr. Robert Keeley
The biggest hurdle we face as a company is that no one knows who we are yet. Figuring out how to market and brand yourself with today's ever changing social media can be challenging. I am open to suggestions as to what you, think will help us get our name out there. Please comment below!
Thanks for reading!
Michael S. Pack
Sonic Pickups